What do you really know about me?

Direct Data

Your KRYPT7 email address, phone number and username - all data that you can change anytime and of which we don't keep history.
We even don't ask you at all about your name, your postal address, your country, your age, your gender, your profession, your other email addresses, etc. So again, we don't know your name, your recipients, the name, type & size of your files, nor, of course, the subject & content of your messages.

In absolute, we can also know the date of creation of each new content (email sent, file uploaded, etc.). However, we don't log the activity of users and don't use cookies: more broadly, we never share user data or activity.


KRYPT7 doesn't use cookies, but by exception, you can figure out that 2 cookies are stored in your browser every time you visit `KRYPT7:

  • "cfduid": this cookie is used directly by CloudFlare, a Content Delivery Network (CDN), caching `KRYPT7 to bring it closer to visitors from every region in the world. This cookie, used to identify individual connections behind a shared IP address and apply security settings on a per-connection basis, does not contain sensitive or personally identifiable data. Read more on this cookie.

  • "heroku-session-affinity": this cookie is used directly by Heroku, our application servers provider. This cookie, used to determine the most efficient way to balance the load of `KRYPT7 between all users, does not contain sensitive or personally identifiable data. Read more on this cookie.

Those 2 cookies, working only anonymously and strictly to provide a necessary performant service, are not connected in any way to users actions or information.

Events tracking

KRYPT7 tracks only anonymous events, only to improve itself. KRYPT7 is only tracking, strictly anonymously, two types of non-personal-related events:

  • System performances: any performance data, warning, error, general functional information - tracked both client and server side.

  • Interactions with the system: any functionality use - tracked only server side.

The purpose of those trackers is only for statistical studies and/or to monitor and improve KRYPT7 operations. In all cases, those trackers are performed without any sensitive or personally identifiable data attachment. Therefore, no personal information or behavior of any kind can be deducted from those tracks - at any step of their creation or conservation. In consequence and by design, KRYPT7 trackers are not personal information.


Please see all the details in our Privacy Policy